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Sesame-orange cookie

Posted by on 31 December, 2015
sesam-sinaasappelkoekje panelen

Sesame-orange cookie

I really liked the soft inside and the nice crunch of the classic panellet cookie from Andorra. For my own variation I wanted that effect too. I dipped my cookie in a thick layer of sesame seeds instead of pine nuts and kneaded lots of orange zest through the filling. I shaped the dough into little cubes and to my surprise they kept their shape beautifully in the oven. The layer of sesame seeds is super crunchy and their nutty flavor goes so well with fresh orange filling. A great cookie to start out the new year with.



Sesame-orange cookie

For about 20 cookies

75 grams (2¾ oz) potatoes
200 grams (1¾ cups) ground almonds
275 grams (1¾ cups) sugar
zest of 1 unwaxed orange
100 grams sesame seed

Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and boil about 20 min. in a pan with a little water until done. Drain and allow to cool slightly.

Mash the potatoes and let cool completely. Mix in the almond flour.

Stir in the sugar and the orange zest.

Preheat the oven to 220°C / 425°F. Form balls of about 25 grams and shape them into cubes.

Spread out the sesame seeds on a deep plate and cover the cubes with a thick layer of sesame seeds. Press them in quite firmly.

Put the cubes on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in the middle of the oven for ± 12 min. until light brown. Remove the sesame-orange cookies from the oven and let cool on the baking sheet.

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