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Šape cookie from Bosnia

Posted by on 13 February, 2016
Bosnie sape resultaat 1_0029 copy

Šape cookie from Bosnia

This traditional Šape or bear claw cookie from Bosnia is a favorite during holidays and festive occasions. The word ŝape means claw and the mold in which this cookie is made, has the shape of a bear claw. This cookie is easy to bake and uses just basic ingredients: sugar, butter and flour. The walnut tree grows well in this part of Europe so these nuts are widely used in baking. This cookie is wonderfully light and yet full of flavor because of the generous amount of chopped nuts. The outside is crispy, but the inside is soft and almost cake-like. I have no bear claw molds and because tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I made the ŝape cookies in the shape of a heart. You still have some time to make them and surprise your love with cookies and a bear hug!



Šape cookie from Bosnia

For about 30 cookies

alle ingrediënten

all the ingredients

220 grams (2 sticks) butter
200 grams (1 cup) sugar
2 eggs
300 grams (2½ cups) flour
pinch of salt
150 grams (1¼ cups) chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon baking powder
grated rind of ½ lemon
icing sugar to coat






boter en suiker

butter and sugar



Preheat the oven to 185°C/380°F.  With a mixer beat the butter with the sugar for about 5 mins. until light and creamy.




ei erdoor kloppen

beat in the egg




Add the eggs and beat well






bloem erbij

add flour, baking powder and salt




Add the flour, the baking powder and the salt and mix well.




noten er door mengen

mix in the nuts





Mix in the walnuts.




citroenrasp erdoor

add grated lemon rind




Mix in the grated lemon rind.




sape bosnie in vorm 0015 copy

fill the moulds




Fill small moulds to ⅔ with the mixture and bake in the middle of the oven for 12-15 mins. until light brown. Tip the hot cookies in a bowl of icing sugar and coat well.





This post is also available in: Dutch

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