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Kolche ab-e-dandaan cookie from Afghanistan

Posted by on 15 November, 2014


kolche ab-e-dandaan afghanistan 1

Kolche ab-e-dandaan cookie from Afghanistan

Kolche ab-e-dandaan means melt in the mouth cookie in Arabic. And that is exactly what they do when you take a bite. No wonder really: they are made with a generous splash of oil and a large helping of icing sugar. This round crumbly cookie is a classic in Afghanistan. The basic ingredients and the easy preparation make this cookie with its pretty green pistachio garnish a perfect nibble to serve at the end of a festive meal. The kolche ab-e-dandaan cookie was traditionally baked for New Year and was meant to be served to guests. Fat was expensive and if you wanted to spoil your guests you would serve them the fattiest bit of meat, the creamiest milk and the richest cookies. I made a few batches of dough before I had the consistency of this cookie right. I thought that kneading the dough so long was not really necessary and skipped that. But every time the dough was too crumbly to use and I had to add more oil. The result was a very greasy and flat cookie! After a few tries I finally obediently kneaded for 10 minutes and both dough and cookie turned out perfect. I will try not to be so stubborn next time…….. 


kolche ab-e-dandaan koekje from Afghanistan

kolche ab-e-dandaan ingredienten

all the ingredients

for about 12 cookies

175 grams (1 ¼ cups) flour
pinch of salt
85 grams (1 cup) icing sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cardamom powder
110 milliliter (½ cup) vegetable oil
15 gram (2 tablespoons) pistachio nuts








kolche ab-e-dandaan bloem suiker kardamom

dry ingredients


Mix the flour with the salt, the icing sugar and the baking powder. Mix in the cardamom.








kolche ab-e-dandaan giet er olie bij

and the oil


Pour in the oil.









kolche ab-e-dandaan kneed het deeg

knead for at least 10 mins.


Knead for at least 10 mins. into a soft, slightly crumbly dough.









kolche ab-e-dandaan maak balletjes

make balls


Take about 20 grams of the dough and roll into a ball. Place the balls on a cookie sheet covered with baking paper.







kolche ab-e-dandaan maal pistache

grind the pistachio nuts


Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F.

Grind the pistachio nuts finely in the small bowl of a food processor.







kolche ab-e-dandaan duw en bestrooi

press and fill


Press in the middle of the balls with your thumb.

Sprinkle some ground pistachios in the hollow. 

Bake the cookies in the middle of the oven for 15-20 mins. They should still be nice and pale on top and lightly colored on the bottom.

Take them out of the oven and leave to cool on the cookie sheet. Sprinkle with some extra pistachios.

This post is also available in: Dutch

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