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Chocolate ginger cookie

Posted by on 23 April, 2017


chocolate ginger cookie Guyana pine tart koekje

Chocolate ginger cookie

After Easter there are always a few Easter eggs that were too boring to bother with and some half-eaten chocolate bunnies lying around. These left overs are ideal for use in a post-Easter cookie, so for my variation on the traditional pine tart cookie from Guyana I kneaded some ginger powder through the original, deliciously flaky,  dough. I made a filling of a mixture of chocolate, cardamom and hazelnuts. The original cookie from Guyana is very big and filling, so for my chocolate ginger cookie variation I rolled up the dough and cut out nice little slices after baking. All of this year’s chocolate eggs and bunnies have been used up and the small spicy spiral biscuits made out of them disappeared all too quickly from the cookie tin.


Chocolate ginger cookie

For ± 35 cookies

250 grams (1⅔ cups) flour
½ tsp ginger powder
pinch of salt
220 grams (⅔ cup) ice-cold butter in cubes
150 grams dark chocolate
40 grams soft butter
½ tsp cardamom powder
35 grams sugar + extra to sprinkle
40 grams of toasted hazelnuts, finely chopped

Put the flour, ginger powder and salt with the butter in a large bowl.

Rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips until it forms a coarse mixture. The largest pieces of butter should be the size of small peas.

Little by little add ± 125 ml / ½ cup of water and quickly form into a nice ball of dough. Add a little more water if the dough is too dry. Knead as little as possible. The butter lumps should stay whole. Let the dough rest covered in the refrigerator for ± 1 hour.

Melt the chocolate with the soft butter, cardamom and sugar au bain marie or in the microwave. Allow to cool until it has consistency of chocolate spread.

Preheat the oven to 190°C / 275°F. Divide the dough into 8 pieces and roll them out to ± 9 x 11 cm (3½ x 4 inch).

Spread the chocolate over the rectangles of dough and sprinkle with the nuts. Roll them up from the long side. Put on a cookie tin lined with baking paper and sprinkle generously with sugar.

Bake the chocolate ginger cookies in the middle of the oven for about 20-25 minutes, until light brown and done. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the baking sheet. Cut slices of about ⅓ cm.

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