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Bolita de nuez koekje uit Peru

Posted by on 23 January, 2016
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Bolita de nuez cookie from Peru

This traditional bolita de nuez cookie is a regular guest at children’s parties and other festive occasions in Peru. The little balls are easy to make because the base is made out of ready-made cookies! All you need to make a batch of these no-bake cookies is grind, mix and roll. Both the Brazil nuts and the vanilla in this cookie are ingredients that originate from Peru. The giant trees that produce the large hard fruits containing the creamy Brazil nuts grow almost exclusively in the rainforests of the Amazon and need a special orchid that attracts certain species of bees to pollinate the flowers of the tree. Because the trees are so difficult to grow, there are almost no plantations and the nuts have to be gathered in the rainforest. I like this simple cookie a lot. The brazil nut gives the cookie a nutty flavor and biscuits provide for a nice crumbly bite. And I have to admit that, to my taste, anything made with condensed milk is good!




Bolita the nuez cookie from Peru

For about 17 cookies

125 grams (1 cup) Brazil nuts
100 grams (3 ½ oz) rich tea biscuits
200 grams (⅔ cup) condensed milk
seeds of 1 vanilla pod
pinch of salt
powdered sugar for coating




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pulse nuts and cookies


Pulse the nuts and biscuits in a food processor into coarse crumbs.







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add condensed milk, vanilla and salt



Add the condensed milk, vanilla and salt and mix very well. Add some extra condensed milk if the mixture does not stick together well.




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roll into balls and roll in powdered sugar


Roll into balls of about 25 grams and roll in the powdered sugar.











This post is also available in: Dutch

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