Masterclass Brood Bakken
Ook helemaal in de ban van het bakken van brood? Maandagavond om 8.00 geef ik via zoom een masterclass brood bakken voor delicious. Met heel veel tips, tricks en technieken. Ik ga bakken met gedroogde gist, zuurdesem en maak supersnel platbrood. Meld je aan via
Alvast aan de slag met brood? Klik op de links voor recepten op mijn site: Zuurdesem starter, Zuurdesembrood, of zelfs Brood zonder gist / Bierbrood

Mijn kookboek Dosia Bakt Vegan is genomineerd
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Ik ben supertrots dat ik genomineerd ben voor het beste vegetarische kookboek van het jaar! Stem je op mijn boek Dosia Bakt Vegan? Klik op de foto of op onderstaande link om naar de stembus te gaan!
Je kunt het boek ook bij mij bestellen. Net zo duur als in de winkel of online, maar met handtekening en een opdracht als je dat leuk vindt!
Chocolate macaron
For the podcast of the Dutch magazine delicious. about macarons I immersed myself in the world of this elegant French cookie.
I had never actually baked a classic macaron, only the vegan version with aquafaba. And it took quite a few baking tins with failed macarons before I mastered the art of vegan macarons. So I was very curious to see how I would get on with the classic version.
During baking, I noticed that my hard work making vegan macarons gave me quite a head start. I found out that the method used to make the vegan and the regular version does not differ that much. The non-vegan version with egg whites is even a little easier to make than the vegan variant with aquafaba. It seems that the egg white macaron is a little bit more forgiving.
Still, the classic elegant French macaron isn’t an easy cookie to bake if you’ve never done it before. You do need some patience and time to learn how to bake a good macaron. You usually have to practice a few times before your macaron really turns out the way you want.
The consistency of the mixture is very important. The process of mixing until the batter has the right consistency (macaronage) is a precise one. Only when you have made macarons a few times do you know exactly what thickness you should have. A perfect project during these corona crisis days!
Start with small portions (cut this recipe in half, for example) so you can experiment a bit. But even not 100% perfect macarons taste great and can make you smile in these difficult days.
Would you rather bake vegan macarons? Give this recipe for chocolate vegan macarons. a try!
Queki cookie from Panama
Queque, queki or keke, even in Panama they can’t decide how to write the name of this traditional cookie. Every family has their own recipe for queki cookies. In some recipes you will only find coconut and sugar cane syrup (miel de caña) as flavoring. In other recipes you can find almost all of the spices used in gingerbread or the Dutch speculaas. Queki cookies from Panama are sometimes made with eggs which makes them light and fluffy. I chose a version without egg with a slightly more compact result. If you don’t bake these cookies too long, they will stay soft, if you bake them a little longer, they will become nice and crunchy. I prefer the crunchy version of the queki cookie from Panama, but just try and find out which one is your favorite!